HCL Bangalore selection process

They will call many many many many people and after waiting waiting waiting for long time they will ask to take written test

test is on core java , spring , hibernate , maven , sql , you can answer if you know these as not tricky

question , total 40 question , cut off is 25 but  by  late evening they raise it to 30

Then the technical round 1

1. what all skills you have

2. how do you rate your self in them

3. why in threads you not call run directly why you call start in turn call run

4.why you make public static final to variable in interface

5. how will you store this data in collection John(mtech,phd) and yourname(BE, ME)

6. A extends B  then  invalid type cast to detect of options
A a = new A
B b = new B
B b = new A
A a = new B

7. Explain jvm structure

8. Explain classloader ,

9.different type of class loader

10.explain Enum

11.why enum why not String Array

12.what are the different access modifiers

13.which all access modifiers can local variable can have

14.how to use iterator over collection of objects

15.Do you know hashcode

 16.give method int hashcode (){ return 1}

17.you have employee .class   how to sort 5 Employees   in Basis of city field

18.what is inverse

19.how can you migrate  from MySQL db to postgresql db ie sql dialects

20.what is return type of execute  in struts

Technical round 2

21.write a program to convert
given matrix [1 2 3]
                     [4 5 6]
                     [7 8 9]
matrix           [3 6 9]
                     [2 5 8]
                     [1 4 7]

22.write a program 
 threads  t1,t2,t3  first then only thread t4

23. write  the output
byte x=5;
find x

24. Find x
x= ++x+++x++;
Hr Round

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