Indecomm bangalore selection process

You will get a call from consultancy based on your profile on Naukri.com , Consultancy people ask you a few question

1. Are you looking for job change
2. what is your experience
3. what is you current company
4. why you looking for change
5. whats is you ctc and e-ctc
6. Once you resume shortlisted are you available for interview this weekday ie Friday
7. then you get a shortlisted email and ask you to confirm
8. Consultancy people advised to read core java , algorithms , web services  before attending  interviews
9. The office is bellow Trinity metro station  , building south east brigade
10. The office nice but two negatives about the company
        a. Male HR
         b. Very old crowd no one bellow 5+exp

Hr comes and shakes hand and the very old same question how are you
then looking for a cabin to interview
Interviewer ask to be relax and comfortable

which all skills you got
how good you are in core java , struts , spring , hibernate,

how long you worked in web services
what all type of services
what is web-services and what is it used for
does all other technologies can understand xml

which version of struts , spring, hibenate  you used

what is dynaaction , explain multiple action class
 how to create session in servlets
what are servlet life cycle
how can you configure .properties file
what is resource bundle
what is servletconfig

what is bean life cycle
what is auto wire
what are scopes of a bean
why single-ton a default scope
how you configure a object within an other object

what is many to many mapping in hibernate
what is hibernate good for
what is lazy initialization
Different Between Session.Get() And Session.Load()
what are the different fetch strateegies

Core Java
what all module in java you are good at , eg collection , threads
what is good about Set, how does it remove duplicates
what is the difference between Arraylist and LinkedList
write a program  to check if string 2 is present in string 1  use no inbuilt methods such as split , indexof , contains, stringtokenizer
explain binarysearch
what all design pattern you know
explain single ton , how to implement how to make it thread safe
explain factory pattern

Anything you want to ask me
Thankyou for you time
Hr will give you feedback

Hr asks everyone to leave for the day

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